Why essential oils can make or break your beauty routine

When you think of essential oils, the image that comes to mind is most likely someone making homemade soaps or beauty items, right? While it’s true that essential oils can go into the things you need for a skincare routine, essential oils can also be crucial to a well-rounded beauty routine. We know that the product we put on doesn’t always stay on. Our bodies are incredibly porous when it comes to the skin, and chemicals can make you ill. That’s where essential oils come in. Essential oils are versatile and have natural compounds that work just as well, if not better, than a high-end product that you buy at a store for ten times the cost.

Are there any dangers to be aware of?

Though many have been able to attribute glorious skin and fabulous hair to essential oil use, others have experienced skin reactions and even burns. The most common aggressor that can cause phototoxicity ( a condition that can happen when you use essential oils and then expose yourself to light) is bergamot, lime, and lemon. Other conventional essential oils to watch out for are grapefruit, mandarin leaf, lemongrass, cinnamon, cumin, and a host of others. These should only be used at .5 percent at a time, even if you are not putting them on skin. The best way to determine if it is alright for you to use is to complete a test patch. If your skin has an itchy feeling or becomes inflamed, you should stop immediately and thoroughly clean your skin. Another tip is to dilute the oil. The more you ensure that you have diluted an essential oil, the less likely you are to react. You should also only use oils that are safe for internal consumption.

Why essential oils can make or break your beauty routine

Which oils you should use for your skin

There are as many oils for the skin as there are colors. However, the best oils that you should be using right now are lavender, frankincense, and tea tree oil. Lavender has been known for ages as a calming oil, and it has an ability to have antiseptic properties that can help your skin. If you mix the lavender oil and a carrier oil like olive oil, you can use it to massage your feet or other tired areas. You will notice that your body is relaxed, and you will be able to sleep better. It also offers you a hydrating and healing experience that your skin can enjoy, and even people with sensitive skin can use it. A bonus? It’s suitable for dealing with inflammation like acne.

Frankincense is next on our list. Many have heard of it because it’s famous for healing. It will soothe the wrinkles that occur on the skin and offer you a more youthful appearance while simultaneously fading scars. Many of us suffer from long-lasting scars that cause uncomfortable staring and discomfort. Frankincense allows the discomfort to fade and beautiful skin to emerge.

Why essential oils can make or break your beauty routine

Tea tree oil is very potent, so be sure that you are only using a little. Because it has antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is outstanding for fighting acne, and the process is simple. Use a swab or Q-tip and dab a tiny bit on the acne spots and leave it overnight. In addition to giving you clear skin, it can also help reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Essential oils your hair is craving

A well-rounded beauty routine would be incomplete without your hair. Just as you did with skincare, you can dilute these essential oils with a carrier oil, and you should do this because they are too potent if you don’t. So what essential oils are what our hair is crying out for? Lavender, ylang ylang, and tea tree oil. Yup, we brought back two from the list above because these potent little oils pack a good punch for your hair too!

Our first oil for hair care is going to be ylang ylang. It has a strong floral scent. Since times of old, this is an oil that has been used to grow hair, and it is wildly popular. It helps out your hair and offers you a way to nourish the damaged, broken, dry, and balding hair. Because of the strong scent it produces, you benefit from smelling like fresh flowers wherever you go!

Why essential oils can make or break your beauty routine

Tea tree oil is excellent for the health of your scalp. The reason being that it is an oil that is very antifungal. As such, it’s great for, you guessed it, dandruff. Imagine it, no more itching, no flaking, no awkward white spots on shirts. Just shiny, healthy hair! Another benefit? If you are losing your hair, it can help here too. Tea tree oil has been proven to be able to slow the hair loss down while making sure to increase the appearance of the hair you have while enhancing your hair growth.

Lavender is the other oil that will double as hair care gold. Lavender is able to give you a thicker head of hair by its ability to increase hair follicles. It also helps the roots stay more vigorous, which means that the hair is less likely to fall out. It can help offer you success at hair growth and give you full, luxurious locks. With all of these incredible benefits, who wouldn’t want to add essential oils to their beauty routine?

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