35+ of the Most Unique Outfits People Wore to Burning Man

by Aria Jones

This article was originally published on READYER

Burning Man, an annual gathering celebrated for its radical self-expression and creativity, transforms Nevada's Black Rock Desert into a canvas for some of the most unique and imaginative outfits in the world. This article delves into the extraordinary and sometimes outlandish fashion statements made at this iconic event. From futuristic cyberpunk attire to elaborate tribal costumes, the outfits at Burning Man are as diverse as the attendees themselves. Join us as we explore some of the most unforgettable and distinct outfits that have graced the playa, embodying the essence of Burning Man's ethos: radical self-expression.

Mysterious Girl

This person may not have heard that Burning Man takes place in a hot desert. Or maybe she just wanted to move between tents and spots without being seen. This desert diva wears a scarf to cover her face, sunglasses, and a faux-fur coat, all of which make her sweat a lot.  

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This style is what we call "Mysterious Chic." Not only is it the height of fashion, but it's also perfect for any fashionista who wants to stand out but also be left alone. We mean, wouldn't you leave someone who looks like she's channeling Mad Max's Furiosa alone? We would.

Dancing in the Desert

This picture makes a lot of sense to us, since Burning Man takes place in Northern Nevada, which isn't too far from San Francisco, where the hippie counter-culture movement began. In this young lady's case, however, it's less about what she's wearing and more about the way she dances.  

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In the 1960s, legendary psychedelic rock band the Grateful Dead was the musical face of the hippie movement. And sure enough, one of their hit songs was called "Dancing in the Streets." Do you get our point? Okay, sure, the Nevadan desert doesn't have any streets, technically speaking, but the spirit of it lives on.

Flowers in All the Right Places

Even though this girl's costume isn't the usual wardrobe choice you might see at the Burning Man festival, we don't think her friends were mad at her for wearing it. And frankly, we're not mad either. After all, isn't it the whole point of this event that people can dress however they want?  

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Our friend with the blonde pigtails chose to wear a cosplay-style anime dress that might seem more at home in the halls of San Diego Comic-Con than in the blistering Burning Man desert. But she expressed herself fully in the most creative way possible, and that's what the festival's all about.

Coming Back from the Future

This girl showed us a cool and modern style by wearing shiny metallic clothes along with colorful glasses that look like what pilots or swimmers might wear. It makes us wonder if she arrived at the Burning Man festival in a metallic spaceship or if she simply wanted to give off some futuristic vibes. 

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Either way, we love this unique and fabulous look! It's honestly not about wearing something skimpy or revealing just for the sake of it. She was out there living her best life and using the intersection of her body and fashion to make herself into a living, breathing art installation - and we're there for it.

Pocahontas, Is That You?

Probably one of the most gorgeous looks we have seen in Burning Man would be this girl covered in feathers. For our money, she resembles the iconic Disney character Pocahontas, the Native American princess that everyone remembers for her fierce and strong spirit - and for singing about the colors of the wind.

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In the midst of the vibrant and eclectic environment of Burning Man, she stood out as a symbol of beauty, individuality, and empowerment. Her presence served as a reminder that embracing one's identity and heritage could be a source of strength and inspiration.

Two Acrobats in the Way

Here are two people who are giving more than just an appearance. They are giving performances! The striped look combined with the stilts make them look like circus acrobats. Heck, they might even be real ones - who else can stand straight in those high stilts, let alone walk in them?

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Talk about standing out from the crowd. Props to these two daredevils. Their supposedly simple, black-and-white outfits do nothing to take away from the spectacle it must have been to look at them approaching you in the dusty desert. It's enough to bring a tear to a glass eye.

Edward Scissor-Hairs

We are here for this daring look this guy created. We also can't help but wonder how much hair gel it took to style his 'do into those black and white strips. He kind of reminds us of a character once played by the (in)famous Johnny Depp – Edward Scissorhands.

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Well, in this case his hair looks more like scissors to us. And resembling a young Johnny facially isn't making us mad at him either. This edgy look makes him more outstanding and presentable for this festival. Hopefully he won’t cut anyone with his dangerous hair edges.

Cleopatra Is Back

Look at these three people dressed like ancient Egyptian pharaohs, with Cleopatra as their leader. They're walking through the crowd, and it's really impressive! They have shiny eagle-like wings and cool sunglasses too, which makes it feel like we've never seen this kind of representation before. 

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Cleopatra would probably be very proud of how they've recreated her style. At least we'd like to think so. And no, we're not wading into the debate of her origin. Burning Man isn't about politics - it's about showing the world your true colors. And sometimes, those happen to be ones of a 1st-century BCE Egyptian queen.

Just Like the Mother of Dragons

Is it just us, or does this girl remind you of a character from the famous fantasy TV show Game of Thrones? Maybe a certain Khaleesi who is known as the Mother of Dragons? If she meant to do this, she did a great job. If she didn't... Well, she did a good job anyway!

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Her all white outfit, braided snow-white hair that has been dyed silver-blonde, her tribal symbols, and, of course, the way she looks off into the distance make her look like a real Khaleesi to us all. We'd cross the Great Grass Sea for her in a heartbeat. Just don't mention how the show ended.

Staying Together

Before you go to a place like Burning Man, you should know something. Even though it's sure to be a lot of fun, it can also get very loud - and sometimes even risky. Because of this, you should definitely go with a friend. These two girls knew this, so when they went to the fair, they stuck together.

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This way, they didn't have to worry about not knowing anyone at the party, and could  just dress up and have a good time. Based on the smiles on their faces, it looks like it was a good idea. When it comes to costumes, the outfit of the girl on the left is our favorite.

When You Get Butterflies

You know that feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you fall in love? At least, that's how we hear it feels... This tells us that butterflies are unique creatures with wings and that they make us feel beautiful and warm. 

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This little girl knows that, which is why she chose butterflies as her ornament of choice. You can see that she has a lot of them in her hair, and they make her look beautiful.

The Princess Of Persia

We've been showing you a lot of costumes that have a tribal feel, and this girl's outfit fits right in with that. The golden beaded head covering seems to be the only thing that stands out, but her shiny shirt and bright red hair tips are strong arguments, too. 

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From the way she's smiling, it looks like she's happy with her outfit, and we have a feeling that the guys are happy with it, too. 

Lady Unicorn

 Burning Man is the best kind of trip. Strangers get together once a year to build a small version of a utopia. At Burning Man, anything goes, which makes it a great place to take pictures. This pretty woman is aware of her surroundings and ready to show off her chic style to her Instagram followers and other people who watch her on social media.

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Here, she is taking a few pictures that are sure to make her fans go crazy.

The 1990s Babies

What do you get when you put together the famous platform boots from the Spice Girls, a Native American-style headdress, and shades that look like they came from the Matrix? So, it looks like this woman. She put together all of her favorite things from the 1990s to make this original outfit. Here, she is talking with another fashionable friend. 

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She may be more casually dressed than our friend, but she's still looking good. These two women really know how to show up in style at Burning Man. 

That's What We Call Girl Power

Burning Man can be a lot to handle. There are a lot of people in the hot desert, and it can be hard to move around. Because of this, it's important to go with people you can trust. This group of girls got dressed up for the party. First, they all got there at the same time, so #squadgoals is lit.  

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Second, they looked great when they got there, so you know they know how to do everything at Burning Man. That just shows how important girl power is. 

Get On Board!

Right away, it does look like this young woman is asking us to board her ship, which is a big deal since we can't see any ships behind her. This might be a good example of how strong a good costume can be, since it can easily take you to a different place in your mind just by giving you a frame of reference.  

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So, if she really wants to know, we tell her a loud and clear "yes." Girl, we'd love to get on your ship! 

A White Rabbit

The white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is one of the most well-known characters in literature, so it makes sense that this young woman is dressed as one for this event. Burning Man is all about showing yourself in weird and unusual ways, which is also the theme of Alice in Wonderland.  

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But if this girl is anything like the real white rabbit, the guys at this event are probably hoping she will be easy to catch. 


Jewelry is a big part of Burning Man costumes, and this girl looks like she went all out with hers. In fact, she seems to have something gold or shiny on almost every part of her body. We don't know where she got all of that bling. Also, wearing thick goggles is a big part of the event. 

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This may be because of all the smoke from the burning man, and if we may say so, we love the pair she's wearing.

A View From A Bird's Sight

We love everything about this picture, from the striped goggles to the bright orange outfit to the happy look on the girl's face, especially from this unique bird's-eye view.  

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The girl looks absolutely fabulous in her short neon dress and cool boots. She's all set and ready to have a great time at the event, partying and enjoying herself.

Let's Get This Party Going

We'll tell you why this picture is so interesting. At any famous festival, like a music festival, a comic book convention, or Burning Man, the drive there is part of what makes the experience so fun. From this shot, it looks like she's either almost there or on her way. 

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She has already started dancing, which is what we mean when we say that the party has already begun for her.

Leprechaun Lady

We've been looking at this girl for a while and have come to the conclusion that she looks like a leprechaun. And when we look at her green Irish-style hat with a yellow flower on it, we can't help but think this was what she was going for all along. Still, if she is a leprechaun, she is the cutest one we've ever seen.  

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If this girl is the one who has the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the world is about to get a lot better. 

Mary Poppins

This girl looks like Mary Poppins if she were 10 years younger and liked to go to events like Burning Man. You don't have to agree with us on this, but we have to say that if she asked us to take a spoonful of sugar, we'd do it without asking if it would help the medicine go down.  

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Do you think she made a scene when she first got there, softly flying down with her umbrellas? 

Don't Bother Me

Sand in the background, trucks and trailers in the distance, a cloudy blue sky, and a beautiful young woman who is ready to party. Of course, this picture doesn't show how she acts at a party. No, she's not doing that now. In this shot, she's showing attitude, especially in the style of Burning Man. 

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People can let go of their worries, fears, and worries about what other people think of them at this event. In other words, she's saying, "Don't mess with me."

We Spot A Dancing Queen

We really like this outfit. It makes us think of how great Margot Robbie was in the 2016 movie Suicide Squad as the sneaky and playful Harley Quinn. This tattooed diva's colorful outfit might have been a tribute to the Australian actress. As she dances on the desert dance floor, surrounded by other people, it's clear that she's having a good time.  

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It's great for Burning Man and makes sense because she can show off her moves in a short skirt and high socks while still moving freely. 

Looking Like The Sun

This sun lady is definitely trying to get in touch with the gods of Burning Man. Her headpiece reminds me of the spiritual experience that many people have when they do crazy things at the Burning Man event every year. This young woman is definitely dressed for the event and ready to soak up the sun's hot rays.  

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She also has some really cool goggles to protect her eyes from the dust in the desert. 

Someone Might Have Lost A Unicorn

This little unicorn seems to be a little lost. We think she lost the rest of what she was carrying. What is it about people who go to Burning Man and unicorns? Maybe it's because the event tries to make people feel magical and mysterious. Either way, it's a way to say something about yourself.  

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The event is proud of not being a place where people judge each other, so that's what we're going to do here. Lost horse, we hope you find your way home. We do, for sure. 

The New Milklady

This little girl is rocking a fake-steampunk look, or maybe she's honoring her Irish roots. Not everything is clear, but no matter where she got her ideas from, we think she put them all together into a nice outfit. One of the best things about Burning Man is seeing how people put their clothes together in interesting ways.  

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And this one is no different, with its billowy shirt top, thin corset, and those famous goggles. 

Good Choices

With all the crazy masks, onesies, and jewelry, it's a little strange to see a woman at Burning Man dressed... casually? It's rare to see someone at a gathering dressed in a way that makes sense for a party in the hot desert sun. This outfit is smart. It has sunglasses for shade, a shirt and shorts that let air in to keep you cool, and a collar that won't make your head feel heavy.  

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She seems happy and, dare we say it, smart as she walks around the campsite with a gleaming smile. 

Manifesting The Spirits

Many people who go to Burning Man say that it is a completely magical experience. The anti-capitalism, no-judgement festival is a free-for-all for anyone who wants to express themselves artistically in any way they want. That means that all events are welcome there as long as they don't hurt anyone, and being surrounded by beautiful nature adds to the mystery of the event.

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This group is definitely in the Burning Man mood as they wear this creative outfit and pray to the gods of the festival.

Beautiful Details

With this traditional Japanese dress, this beautiful woman may also be getting in touch with her roots. It really sells because of the way it looks. This woman takes her role very seriously. The best thing about Burning Man clothes is how well they are made. Attendees love to add that little something extra to make their outfits stand out.

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With red lipstick and glitter around the eyes, we'd say this festival-goer did just that. People really stand out because of the little things they do.

Self-Expression On The Edge

The first Burning Man was a test. The idea was to make a society in which bold self-expression is celebrated. It's also become an artistic event in every way, so anything goes as far as what to wear. With this amazing outfit, this beautiful woman is doing just that.  

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She walks around with ease and confidence while wearing a white cape and a sun umbrella. Her choices are not only beautiful and showy, but they also protect her from some harmful rays. 

Add A Shine To Her Cap

Here's a woman who seems to do all of the things she likes best. She's wearing a Native American-style rainbow hat, a studded skirt from Hot Topic, and belt-buckled boots to make a very unique outfit.  

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Give her a pat on the back, because her style is hot. It's always fun to see the festival's most interesting clothes, and this one is one of the best. This Burning Man outfit looks cool because of her focused pose. 

Besties For Life

These best friends are ready to go out and have fun. With clothes as bright as the sun, they are sure to stand out. We love how sure of themselves they must be to wear clothes in the brightest colors possible. With all the tie-dye and Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation-style headpieces, they might be trying to be their best selves from the 1980s.

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There is a lot of great music playing in the camps, from EDM to funk and jazz, so maybe these best friends were having a good time in the '80s tent. 

The Pilot Wolf

Based on her crazy outfit, we can only guess that this woman is dressed as a wolf-dressed helicopter pilot. Her smile seems to say a lot. We can't help but wonder where this outfit came from. During the day, she might be a tough-as-nails pilot who has flown all over the world without a hitch, which has given her the confidence that shows in her smile.

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She might be saying something against shooting. We don't care what happens as long as the wolf is a fake.

Simple Dressing

All of these clothes definitely have something in common. All of these women have really pushed the limits of what it means to be over-the-top. These outfits are full of crazy jewelry and cultural symbols that usually wouldn't go together. Some of the makeup choices aren't even worth talking about.

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This woman chose to dress casually for the event. Here she is, smiling, and it's clear that she knows she's the most relaxed person at the event.

Give Me Safety

At Burning Man, there is so much going on all at once. People come from all over the world to the hot Nevada desert to party and enjoy life. At the event, people do a lot of crazy things that we won't go into here. So, it's important to keep yourself safe in case someone at the party goes a little too crazy and hits you in the head. 

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Because of this, Cindy came ready with a helmet and a flower to add a little extra flavor. 

Sparkles And Gold

What better way to enjoy the sun's heat than to dress up as it? This is exactly the case. Donna loves the Burning Man festival because she can do her best thing, sunbathing, without being judged.  

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She can't wait to soak up the sun and get a perfect brown tan every year. She knows that the best way to reach a goal is to become it. Donna, don't stop shining. 

As A Bird Does

Many people who go to festivals love to honor their favorite animals. Many people have come dressed as wolves, bunnies, or unicorns. All of this is done to honor the wonderful animals that live in the state. For Burning Man, this woman chose to dress up as a raven. Crows and ravens fly around freely in the Nevada deserts, which is a good way to describe how free-spirited the event is. 

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At Burning Man, anything goes and everyone is just as free as a bird.

Losing Control

If there's one thing we can tell about the girl in this picture, it's that she has a lot of energy, which we love. We want to go to Burning Man this year because of how freely she's letting lose in this picture. Maybe that's the beauty of self-expression. It's a common thing that brings us together, from the interesting costumes we wear (we love her radical cat ears and edgy boot straps) to the crazy positive and energetic vibes we spread once we get there. 

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From what we can tell from this picture, this girl was the life of the party, and we're glad we got to see her.

Unicorn Lady

As old fantasy stories say, a unicorn is one of those mythical animals that is always hard to find. It is a beautiful creature that is almost impossible to find. This young woman has chosen to turn herself into a unicorn girl for Burning Man. This will give her the freedom to roam the open wilderness without worrying about anything. 

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She has special skills and will only show herself to people she thinks are worthy. Do you think you're up to the task?

Lost In The Light

"Less is more," as the old saying goes, and this girl knows all too well how true that is. She didn't wear such a complicated outfit, which might have been because she didn't want it to draw attention away from her face. Her eyes have a natural sharp look to them, which she let show by letting them shine and adding some eyeliner to match. 

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When you add in her silver-blonde hair, we're a little overwhelmed.

Quiet And Calm

This picture is bright and calm, which makes it stand out. There are many reasons for this, but let's start with the fact that the girl in this picture is looking very calm and peaceful, with just a hint of a smile on her face. Her outfit, which is in the style of a Native American peacock, has very muted colors that still have small flashes of light.

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Last but not least, the white open space behind her is what really makes this picture a masterpiece.

Blue Comes To Mind

When we look at a photo like this, we can see how different an event like Burning Man is. You really don't know what kinds of people you'll meet or what kinds of hair colors you'll see.  

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Take this happy woman as an example: She has chosen that she will either dye her hair a deep royal blue or wear a wig. We'd like to think it's a dye job, but whether it is or not, she looks great with it. 

A Mix Of Things

This young woman is coming at us from every possible direction. Her outfit theme was "pretty much anything she could find." We say this in a good way because, even though her clothes don't seem to go together, they clash in a cool way.  

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Her heart-shaped sunglasses go well with the white pattern on her headband, and the white flowers on them reflect her happy smile in a beautiful way.